articles and news
23 Oct 2015
Decorate your house for Halloween
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by paula

Kids’ favourite holiday of the year is coming on the 31st of October. Aside the creative costumes and the chance to scare their friends, you can also decorate your house or the backyard with all sorts of spooky items and characters. That way, you’ll give them something to remember, and if you involve them in the project as well, you are guaranteed to have some fun together!

There are a few favourite objects and scary creatures which are usually preferred for decorations on Halloween: skeletons, bats, crows, witches with their characteristic broomsticks, owls, scare-crows, branches and haunted trees, and of course, the carved pumpkins. You can make funny and scary faces if you’re handy enough to carve these, but there are, however, plenty of tutorials around the internet regarding how to create the perfect Halloween lanterns. These are a must, since they really bring out this holiday’s vibe and also create an autumn feeling.

Follow Classic Comfort’s board Halloween Decorations on Pinterest.

Most of these decorations are easy to make yourself, and if you are inspired enough, you can use things like fallen leaves, dry branches, rope and unnecessary household items, in order not to spend too much money. It’s easy to reinterpret a welcome rug, simply by painting a spooky face on it or a creepy, not-so-friendly welcome message. We have selected a few ideas, so take a look at the gorgeous porch and home designs suggested in our Pinterest-album above. Hopefully, you will get inspired to create something just as nice and have lots of fun with your children!